Swedish prosecutor: ”Assange must come to Sweden but we won’t say why”

Publicerad 23 augusti 2012 kl 14.12

Inrikes.The Swedish Prosecution Authority stated this Tuesday that it is possible to interview Assange in London, but that they will not do so because of ”circumstances in the investigation”. The Authority declined to explain what those circumstances might be.

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Fria Tider recently revealed that the Swedish prosecutor in the Assange case, Marianne Ny, has repeatedly and incorrectly claimed that Swedish as well as British law prevent her from questioning Assange in London.

In an interview this Tuesday on BBC’s The World at One, however, the Prosecution Authority’s director of communications Karin Rosander said that it is possible to interrogate suspects abroad and that Swedish prosecutors have done so in a number of serious cases. Rosander explained that it is ”all about what the prosecutor decides to do”.

According to Rosander, the reason why Marianne Ny refuses to interview Assange in London is that she considers his presence in Sweden necessary because of ”circumstances in the investigation”. Rosander declined to comment on what circumstances she was referring to, explaining that Marianne Ny had decided that she did not want to elaborate on that.

Asked how the present deadlock between the prosecutor and Assange could be resolved, Rosander said that she had no idea.

Tuesday’s episode of The World at One can be downloaded here, an audio file of the interview with Rosander is found here and a transcript of the interview here.

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