National police chief Dan Eliasson is launching a new campaign against sexual crime.

"Do not molest me": Swedish police giving out bracelets to girls in the wake of immigrant attacks

Publicerad 30 juni 2016 kl 06.30

Inrikes. In the aftermath of last year's asylum-related sexual attacks at the "We Are Stockholm" youth festival, the Swedish police are now launching a new campaign. Officers will give out bracelets with the text "Do not molest me" to girls attending this year's festival, according to Dan Eliasson, head of the country's national police force.

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"The police are taking the reports of sexual molestation seriously, especially when it happens to young people," Dan Eliasson said in an official press release.

As a part of the new campaign, police officers equipped with bracelets with the text "Do not molest me" will be sent to the streets of Stockholm. The bracelets will be given out during the summer festivals in the Swedish capital, and also in connection to other major events frequented by young people.

"This way, we can draw attention to the issue and urge those concerned to report," Mr. Eliasson continued.

Recently, the Swedish police published a report on sexual crimes in public swimming pools and other public places. According to the report from May this year, the perpetrators are in most cases male asylum seekers from the Third World. One hypothesis put forward in the report is that the asylum seekers are attacking Swedish girls as a "result of the Nordic alcohol culture, but also because of non-traditional gender roles" in the Scandinavian country.

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