Arminas Pileckas, 15, was stabbed to death on Monday.

Parents: 15-year-old was murdered because he protected a Swedish girl from sexual harassment by an Arab student

Publicerad 14 januari 2016 kl 23.03

Utrikes. The Lithuanian boy Arminas Pileckas, 15, was stabbed to death on Monday by a student from the Arab world after protecting a girl who the killer had harassed. Now the victim's parents speak out about the murder – and harshly criticize the Swedish media for portraying the murderer as a victim.
– In Lithuania, we are talking openly about the refugee problem. In Sweden, everyone is silent, he says.

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– The Swedish press writes that Arminas assaulted [the Arab student]. But that is not the case, according to an interview with father in the Lithuanian newspaper lrytas.

According to the father, the real background to the assassination at Göinge School in Broby, Skåne, is that Arminas had been in a minor brawl with the Syrian student in December. The Syrian had sexually harassed a girl and Arminas came to her defense.

– A week later, we went to the school for a meeting. The boy swore he would take revenge on him, and that is what he did, says the father.

On Monday, the first day of spring semester, the 14-year-old Syrian put his plans into action. He took a kitchen knife to school, snuck up behind Arminas and stabbed him in the back. The knife pierced Arminas' heart and he later died of his injuries. According to media reports, the 14-year-old planned the murder during the Christmas break by searching online for information about killing with a knife.

Had his "honor" violated
On Tuesday, Aftonbladet allowed the accused Syrian's father to present the fight as if it had been started by Arminas. According to the killer's father, Arminas was murdered because his son's "honor" had been violated.

– The school did nothing to help him and regain his honor. Instead, my son had to see the 15-year-old at school every day. It made him very upset, the 14-year-old's father told Aftonbladet.

On January 13th, Expressen published a report on the interview with Arminas' parents in lrytas. However, the left-leaning newspaper omits the parents' criticism of the Swedish media, the report that the perpetrator had a Syrian background, and that the parents say that Arminas had defended a girl.

In an interview with Lithuanian Delfi , Arminas father expresses that the media is trying to silence him due to political correctness.

Father: The Swedes are covering up the problems
– We have not even talked to Swedish media, but the refugee father of the killer has been able to freely spread lies in the Swedish media, he says.

– The parents of the girl who Arminas helped to defend from the refugees do not dare to talk to us. In Lithuania, everyone is talking openly about the refugee problem. In Sweden, everything is being kept hidden, he continues.

According to Armina's father, the situation is out of control in the village of Broby, which recently received a large number of asylum seekers from the third world.

– A Lithuanian girl was attacked a few months ago. They tried to rape her. The police did nothing then.

He also rejects the Aftonbladet reports that Arminas had "bullied" the 14-year-old Syrian.

– It is a lie. Three students from the school have confirmed that no bullying of the refugee boy was taking place.

Arminas had been in school in Sweden for two years and was a Swedish citizen. His father says that his son was well liked at school.

– He was bright, hard-working and happy. He had many Swedish friends, and everyone liked him.

The information was confirmed by a 15-year-old girl who went to the same class as Arminas.

– He really spread joy to those around him. Very nice and kind. He was an important presence in the classroom. If the whole class was feeling down, he was a person who could always get the class to laugh, she told the Evening Post.

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