Invandrarkravaller i Rinkeby

English: Riots and looting in Stockholm

Publicerad 21 februari 2017 kl 02.28

Inrikes. The Stockholm suburb Rinkeby was plagued by immigrant related riots, looting and violence Monday night. Police officers were attacked by stone throwers, shots were fired and hundreds of first responders were called up to quell the violence and put out the fires.

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08:18 PM. A police patrol is carrying out a routine police operation. A wanted criminal has been spotted and arrested close to the Metro station in Rinkeby; a suburb in west Stockholm where more than 75 percent of the population has foreign background according to official statistics.

"All of a sudden a bunch of people show up and start to throw stones at the officers. The officers feel cornered and fire warning shots. A police is hit in the arm by a rock and his injuries are unclear", Stockholm police spokesman Lars Byström tells Fria Tider.

Tuesday morning national public broadcaster Sveriges Television reported that the officers, in fact, fired directly at the rioters.

"That is correct. According to initial reports it was warning shots, however the officers did indeed fire directly at the stone throwers but missed their targets", local police chief Tony Lagerkrantz says to the TV-station.

According to Byström the officers felt extremely threatened by the violent crowd.

After the attack on the police officers the unrest escalates quickly. 09:45 PM the police report that at least one car has been set ablaze. At the same time Fria Tider receive reports about several burning cars in the area and the police assist firemen as they put out fires. When Fria Tider speaks to the on duty officer at the Stockholm fire department he declines to comment on the situation.

10:20 PM. A second riot in Rinkeby. Between 30 and 40 young men attack the police by throwing stones and other projectiles. An eye witness tells Fria Tider that a huge force of police and firemen has arrived in Rinkeby.

"We will make sure to reestablish law and order!" Byström tells Fria Tider in a situation update.

10:45 PM. Police report that seven or eight cars has been set on fire. There is a false alarm that a school has been set ablaze, the police suspect that it is a trap where the rioters are planning an ambush.

"Sometimes they call to lure us to a certain area", Byström explains.

11:30 PM. The situation is largely contained thanks to the surge of first responders. At the same time there are worrying reports that looting took place earlier in the evening. A shop keeper was beaten up trying to protect his store.

"The owner had an alarm to his cellphone. When he went to his store to look it up he was beaten", Byström tells Fria Tider.

Apart from the shop keeper a second person was attacked during the riots. According to Sweden's largest liberal newspaper Dagens Nyheter one of their photographers was assaulted, beaten and robbed of his camera. Both victims were brought to hospital for treatment.


Utrikespolitiska nyheter med fokus på icke-interventionism.