Antisemitism i DN

Leading Swedish daily defends its decision to publish anti-Semitic cartoon

Publicerad 20 november 2016 kl 19.37

Media. Dagens Nyheter, one of the largest newspapers in Sweden, published a cartoon that has been widely accused of being outright anti-Semitic. However, the Leftist daily defends its decision to link Jews and Israeli soldiers to the KKK.

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The satirical image depicts America's new president-elect Donald Trump side by side with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a litter carried by Israeli soldiers, Orthodox Jews and a person wearing Ku Klux Klan (KKK) regalia.

"Finally!" the Israeli Prime Minister exclaims in the cartoon.

But the idea of connecting the KKK to Israeli soldiers and Jews is offensive, according to many high-profile Swedish Twitter users.

"How can you publish pure anti-Semitic propaganda? Jews carrying Trump together with the KKK? Please explain," the Liberal blogger Rebecca Weidmo Uvell wrote in a tweet adressed to Dagens Nyheter.

The liberal columnist Jenny Sonesson simply declared that the cartoon was anti-Semitic.

Some users even asked themselves if the Leftist newspaper's move may even break Swedish laws against hate speech. But Dagens Nyheters editorial board defended its publication on Sunday.

"Netanyahu has rejoiced over Trump's election victory despite Trump's rhetoric and the enthusiastic support he has received in the United States from the white supremacy movement," an anonymous representant of the editorial board tweeted.

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