Insider speaks: Politicians, media, covered up Swedish sex assaults - not the police

Publicerad 13 januari 2016 kl 16.52

Inrikes. Recurring and massive sexual assaults during the yearly 'WeAreStockholm" youth festival were a well-known fact among the city´s politicians. Tommy Deogan was part of the festival organisation during twelve years and also a politician for the Center party. "I raised this issue in all political forums. The politicians, who now claim to be disgusted by the abuses, willfully ignored them for years."

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Tommy Deogan is critical of how the municipality and the media handled the sex abuses on We Are Stockholm. When Dagens Nyheter blames the police I do not agree, says the former politician.

Tommy Deogan is a local politician, who worked with the WeAreStockholm from 2000 to 2012. He recently quit politics but he was present at this summers version of the youth festival, now famous for widespread sexual attacks of young Swedish girls. In his earlier capacity as a politician, Mr. Deogan tried in vain to get his more influential colleagues to do something about the annually re-occurring mass violations of Swedish girls at the officially sponsored event.

- Many knew about this. I talked about it openly, but there was no interest at all. It was rather me myslelf who became the target, for raising the issue.

On the 9th of January 2016 the oppositional newssite Nyheter Idag revealed that influential daily Dagens Nyheter had been informed about the mass abuse of girls - at least when it last occured in the summer of 2015. The journalist showed a keen interest at first, but buried the story after realizing that the hundreds of perpetrators were young immigrants. Today, when the story is out, the established media channels join forces to blame the police for the cover-up. But according Deogan, this is  "insane".

- The police has no duty to inform the public, that is the job of journalists. In this case, all you had to do was to enter the festival ground for two minutes, then you could see what went on. The backstage area was a police-camp where weeping girls and perpetrators where gathered by the constables. What you can possibly accuse the police of is concealing the background of the perpetrators. Of course that was wrong. But the politicians are worse - they now deflect all blame and call the abuses "disgusting". The very same politicians who had knowledge of it all for a long time and stubbornly refused to do anything about it. That is disgusting.

The politicians´ own version of events is what has been reported internationally. Mr. Deogan emphasizes, however, that he informed representatives of all Stockholm political parties. A large number of politicians knew about recurring sex attacks on the city´s teenage girls at an event which is heavily sponsored by taxpayers

- When I represented the Centre Party we worked in coalition with the Social Democrats and the Green Party. I sat in the city council of Haninge where all parties where represented. I raised the issue there and in other political forums - no-one who can say they were not aware. I had no direct channel to our party chairwoman Annie Lööf, but I spoke to those who had. The same thing in the other parties. Absolutely noone wanted to draw attention to this. Sometimes it was discussed, but then it stayed in the room.

Swedish media have played an important role in the cover-up, according Tommy Deogan. He does not give much for Dagens Nyheter's defense that its reporters failed to confirm the story through "the police and our other regular channels."

- They now claim that their journalists have completely missed the fact that something happened, despite first-hand accounts from one psychologist and one police officer. I also published it on my blog at the time. What Dagens Nyheters says now makes no sense. It is the job of the journalists job to find out what happened and inform the public about it, no matter what perpetrators look like.

As a long-standing volunteer worker at the festival, Mr. Deogan observed the ongoings during several years. He claims that the sexual abuse during the festival has become worse every year.

- The last two years it has escalated to a level of aggressiveness that I had not seen earlier. During the years when I was active at the festival, it was more of that irritating guy who doesn´t quit nagging at a young girl that they should have sex with him. What we see today is completely insane, they pull and tear and insert their fingers into the genital areas under their skirts. Deogan, who himself grew up in an immigrant communtiy, believes that the newcomers deliberately target ethnic Swedish girls, for racist reasons.

- There is a distorted view of women in general and Swedish women in particular, something that has to be adressed. Today Swedish society puts up no standards for immigrants and Swedes watch their tongues out of fear of being called racist. The prevailing view is that Swedes should adapt to immigrants rather than vice versa. This has gone so far that by now, that it is an established view among immigrants that Swedish girls can be mistreated at will.

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