English version: War correspondent escorted out of Swedish suburb by police

Publicerad 1 mars 2017 kl 16.29

Inrikes. War correspondent Tim Pool, who recently came to Sweden to investigate multicultural violence, was on Wednesday escorted out by police from the migrant suburb Rinkeby. It was too dangerous to stay there.

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"We have to get a police escort right now. We have been warned by them that it could get really dangerous if we don't leave right now from Rinkeby," says Tim Pool in a video he published on Twitter on Wednesday afternoon.

"So it's the middle of the day. The police is following us, because we are being followed. The police have warned us that if we don't leave now things are gonna get bad within minutes. 50 people could be here", he says in another film published on the social media platform.

"I honestly thought I would be able to walk around the neighborhood no problems. I was wrong. The men thought that we were Swedish press. As we were leaving they started yelling things us", Tim Pool writes in two other tweets.

It was after that the increasingly lawless situation in Sweden recieved international attention that Tim Pool, an American war and disaster journalist, agreed to make a visit to the multicultural country.

"It was Trump who made this happen. He has accused Sweden of being a dangerous country with big problems. We had planned to go to Sweden, regardless, but now we want to really find out what's going on," said Tim Pool to the swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter earlier in February.

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